It is a terminology that has been around for many years and first developed in the government and migrated to the business and personal areas of society. TSCM or more commonly called “Bug Sweeping” was considered high-tech technology dealing with government and secure facilities.
However, with the advances in technology, it is no longer limited to the government. Today TSCM has evolved into a large-scale business that caters to businesses and individuals worldwide.
With these advances, we are more aware of our environment. Which has led us to be a more litigious society holding individuals to higher standards. To survive in our modern-day high-tech society, we now must consider and not overlook many things that were not previously in the equation. We must consider things such things as:
In the early days, of Countermeasures in the private sector, many believed they were protected with a sweep being conducted utilizing a low-tech handheld RF scanner and handheld telephone scanner. This is no longer the standard for countermeasures that are conducted today. Today, highly trained individuals utilize highly specialized and technical equipment and procedures to detect and identify clandestine compromises to a business or individual’s security.
The private sector and government agencies are now facing many modern-day issues and concerns that were not present in the twentieth century. Corporations and individuals are much more aware and concerned about protecting their physical and intellectual property. This is especially due to COVID-19 concerns. Companies and corporations are allowing more people to work from home. While convenient for many employees and executives, this could potentially add additional security threats. Companies and Governments focus on internal threats such as computer hacking and virus threats using secured servers or VPN’s. However, meetings are still being held in an unsecured location such as homes, apartments, or hotels. Increasing the opportunity for Intellectual Property (IP) theft or sensitive information to be heard. While governments or large organizations use SCIF’s (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) to hide their discussions, unfortunately, people from home do not have that luxury.
- Fast Acquisition | This method pulls calls, call history, and text messages from the phone. Often in less than 5 minutes.
- Full Acquisition | This includes calls, texts, call history, images, and some application data (more data if the phone is rooted). For iOS devices, this includes an iTunes backup file.
- Optical Capture with OCR Method | This method allows the detective to capture screenshots of the device with our embedded camera. These images can be exported easily. Our OCR software finds text found in the images so you can convert pictures into searchable actionable evidence data.
- Linked Screen Capture | This is a technological advancement in our industry that allows the software to interact with the phone and preserve the exact screen captures of evidence data. This can be used to preserve evidence on just about any application that can be found on the phone by selecting each app.
- Real-Time Acquisition | This advancement in the technology allows the investigator to pull the set exact time slices of data. Pull the last 30 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, a full week of data, or any slice of time from the cell phone. This allows investigators on scene, immediate access to evidence pertinent to the live situation.
Axios Investigations Firm has over 25 years of well-rounded domestic/international experience as Technical Security Countermeasures (ITC Trained) and Security & Espionage Investigators. Our Special Agents have been at the federal, corporate, and state levels. Having served prestigiously at the National Security Agency, U.S. Special Forces, SWAT, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and BLACKWATER, USA.
Axios Investigations Firm conducts on-site assistance visits for physical security inspections, vulnerability assessments, and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures surveys at various locations throughout the USA and abroad. We also have Active Top-Secret Clearance with previous SCI clearances.